The Star of Bethlehem is genus(Ornithogalum) of perennial plants mostly native to souther Europe and southern Africa belonging to the family Hyacinthaceae. There are some species native to other areas such as the Caucasus. Growing from a bulb, it has grass-like basal leaves and a slender stalk, up to 30 cm tall, bearing clusters of star-shaped white flowers striped with green.

Because of its star-shaped flowers, it is named for the Star of Bethlehem that appeared in Biblical account of the birth of Jesus.

The Star of Bethlehem is a bulbous plant nearly allied to the Onion and Garlic. The leaves are long and narrow and darkgreen; the flowers, in bloom during April and May, are a brilliant white internally, but with the petals striped with green outside. They expand only in the sunshine.

The bulbs, in common with those of many Liliaceous plants, are edible and nutritious. They were in ancient times eaten, both raw and cooked, as Dioscorides related, and form a palatable and wholesome food when boiled. They are still often eaten in the East, being roasted like chestnuts.
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