Sweet Peas are fragrant and have an old-fashioned charm. They were brought to the New World from Europe. There are annual and perennial varieties in a range of colors including blue, white, pink, cream, and purple flowers. They can be grown in flower garden, or scattered as a wildflower. There are over 1,000 varieties of Sweet Pea.

Seeds of the Sweet Pea contain beta-aminopropionitrile that prevents the cross-linking of collagen by inhibiting lysyl oxidase, leading to loose skin. Recent experiments have attempted to develop this chemical as a treatment to avoid disfiguring skin contractions after skin grafting.

Sweet Peas are popular among a variety of insects, birds and butterflies. The most common insect problems include aphids and root borers. Insecticides and repelents are usually effective. Slugs can also be a problem. More on Slug control. In very wet and cold weather, mildew and fungus can invade the plants. Use fungicides early, before disease gets a foothold.
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